Building Information Modeling

Building Information Modeling

Building Information Modeling


During the building process, there are constant challenges to deliver successful projects despite tight budgets, limited manpower, accelerated schedules, and limited or conflicting information. MKA’s highly skilled modellers use BIM software to create a 3D model of a structure before it is actually built. This enables them to reduce construction uncertainties, solve problems, simulate and analyze potential impacts ahead of time. BIM is greatly beneficial to the construction team as it allows them to essentially walk through the 3D model and identify the exact location of discrepancies before they actually start to build. This process improves productivity and efficiencies by eliminating mistakes and ensuring that the structure is built quickly and accurately.

We offer almost all of the available formats of our models  that are compatible with the global BIM system. [IFC2x3, 3D-DWG, 3D-DXF, 3D-DGN, ASCII, FEM, CIMSTEEL CIS_2 STP, MIS-File, … etc.